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        The Day The Music Died


    On Labor Day, 2008, I was surfing in Venice, CA,  with my daughter Katy and her cousin, my nephew Andrew.   On the second wave of the day, I was hurtled down into the sand where I smashed my forehead in the shallow sand, fracturing my C4 and C5 vertebrae.


   My daughter pulled me out.  She probably saved my life.   I was taken by ambulance to Marina del Rey Hospital.   As I was being carted off, I heard a little boy ask his Momma, "Mommy, is that man gonna die?"  I myself did not know the answer to that question.


    While I was in the hospital, I was strapped down on a wooden board, where I stayed for three days.  After a series of MRI's and other tests, the doctor came to me and said, "You have just broken your neck.  If you move your head, you will either be paralyzed for the rest of your life, or you will die."  He then began to administer some pain meds.  When I told him I was a recovering addict he said (and I will never forget this) ”You have just broken your neck, take the pain meds and deal with the rest later." 


    Well two years and one giant relapse later (I had gone twenty years without a drink,)  I landed on the steps of the Los Angeles Mission; a Christ based recovery program.   Never being a proponent of organized religion, I eventually moved over to the Midnight Mission, a 12 Step program.   Several years earlier I had been a regular donor at both missions, as I had owned a large clothing company and did a lot of volunteer and charity work with the missions.  Every year I would play Santa Clause at the Centro de Ninos orphanage.


    I ended up spending thirteen months at the Midnight Mission.  I graduated in Sept 2012.  I wrote Love Rescue Me, a Love story set in a mission, two hours at a time, at the Public Library while at the Midnight.


   Is of this writing, I am fine; drug and pain free.  The accident cost me my house, my business, my cars, my crazy girlfriend, the respect of my friends and family and twenty years sobriety.   All my personal belongings were auctioned off when I could not pay the storage bill.   In effect, I had lost everything.  Slowly, with the help of my family, friends and a 12 Step program, I am rebuilding my life.


   These pictures were taken shortly after the accident.  I believe they speak for themself.   I am writing again and healthy.  All I can say to those of you out there "Enjoy your life and your health while you can because you never know when the next wave is gonna knock you off your feet."  Good luck to you and God bless us all,  JOHN STOVER



This letter was written by someone I have never met,

but apperntly got what I was trying to do....



    OMG...JOHN!!!!!!  I finally took a sabbatical from all of my thoughts, worries, anxieties, work and all else that life entails and made myself read all of you book preview!!!  I am so glad that I did!!!  OMG, once again is all that I can say!!! While I was reading your story line on "Love Rescue Me," I took notes so that I could ask if certain events HAD ACTUALLY happened to you and as I read the end of your review most of those questions were answered with you unadulterated, incredibly honest decisiveness on what was indeed real life adventures for you and what was so authentically turned into fiction, by you, through so many awesome, personal experiences, based on other people's experiences. 


    I am truly amazed at your time at the Midnight Mission, where you actually wrote this book!!!  At a time, when I assume, you were at your lowest, you produced a work of art in book form through sheer determination to lift yourself up to a higher level!!!  KUDOS TO YOU FOR DOING THAT FOR YOURSELF AND THE MILLIONS OF READERS THAT WILL RELATE SO WELL TO THE STORY THAT YOU ARE TELLING!!!!  I feel that you will reach so many people that have been to the highest of heights in their lives, only to have their world, as you put it..."turn on a dime." 


    I know that I have definitely been there and not only has that experience made me stronger, less judgemental, and more empathetic towards everyone, no matter where there life is or how strange they may seem to me, but it has basically given me a different outlook on humanity all together!  Some who I viewed as friends became acquaintances only who had touched my life is different ways...then again, some that I viewed as true friends all of a sudden meant the world to me and made me treasure them more than I ever had before. 


    Life is such a boot camp for the next level after this it Heaven, Nirvana, a different plane of existence or whatever...To make a long story truly touched me with your story, (at least what I did read) your life lessons and above all your incredible words!!!  I actually teared up when I read your interpretations or whatever you want to call the end of your review.  Your life!!!  You are unstoppable...mainly because like so many people don't have really experienced life in all different kinds of situations and like me, would never have learned more about yourself or you never would have been able to write like you do and project life into fantasy/real based people unless you truly saw each one of those characters "for real," based on your experiences.  I don't know if that makes sense but, believe me I can relate to what you have been through because of my incredible journey through life!!! 


    Some day I will tell you my story but I know you are probably incredibly busy so I will just leave you with this...from my heart...sometimes certain people are brought into your life so that you can learn even more about doubt in my mind that we are ALL connected and until you reach a high level of despair or a high level of awareness you are sleeping and just don't see what is going on around you or inside of you!  I only wish that everyone could go through what you have been through to open their eyes up to what is really...truly important in this world!!!  I don't think that I ever "quite" hit the bottom..but then again, I may have.  What the bottom is to some people is only where some people have existed all of their lives and to them that is normal. 


    I can't believe how emotionally you have struck a chord in me!!!  Whoa!!!  Thank you John for sharing your story and a small part of your journey with me!  You are going to be a huge success with this book!!!  I feel it!!!  REALLY!!!!  If anyone deserves respect it is you who has strived so diligently to pick yourself up again after "the fall!"  I don't even know you personally...then again I do...because your word and your actions after "the fall" denote exactly who YOU ARE!!! 


    With all the sincerity that I can give to you!  Holly


   Some photos of family and friends


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